DHHS → MeCDC → Disease Surveillance → Epidemiology → Airborne and Direct Contact Diseases → Coronavirus
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19)
Maine CDC will continue to regularly update this page. For additional resources and up-to-date information, please visit the U.S. CDC's COVID‑19 website.
Maine CDC is responding to the COVID‑19 pandemic, caused by a novel (new) coronavirus. We urge Maine people to practice good hand hygiene, cover coughs and sneezes, and stay home as much as possible. If you are concerned that you have been exposed to COVID‑19, call your health care provider, who will determine whether you should be tested and, as appropriate, submit a sample for testing.
On this page:
- Situation in Maine
- News Releases
- Travel
- Current Testing Guidelines
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Additional Resources and Translated Materials
- Interim Guidance for Healthcare Providers
- Additional Resources for Healthcare Providers
Download Factsheets and Translated Materials:
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Situation in Maine
Maine CDC will host a COVID-19 media brief at 2:00 PM EDT Monday-Friday. If the time changes, we will update this statement with the new time.
Watch recordings of past press briefings.
Maine COVID‑19 Cumulative Case Data | |||||||||
Updated: June 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM | |||||||||
Total Cases1 | Confirmed Cases | Probable Cases | Recovered | Hospitalizations | Deaths | ||||
2,819 | 2,499 | 320 | 2,233 | 321 | 101 |
1Maine's total case count includes both confirmed and probable cases. For more information about this data, please see the "Read Details About the Data" section below.
View a Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine
All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine | |||
Result | Antibody |
Molecular Testing |
Total |
Positive | 290 |
3,441 |
3,731 |
Negative | 5,715 |
69,516 |
75,231 |
Indeterminate | 8 |
114 |
122 |
Total | 6,013 |
73,071 |
79,084 |
Results from Labs Reporting Electronically (Used for Percent Positivity Calculations)* | |||
Result | Antibody |
Molecular Testing |
Total |
Positive | 215 |
3,246 |
3,461 |
Negative | 5,712 |
69,500 |
75,212 |
Indeterminate | 8 |
113 |
121 |
Total | 5,935 |
72,859 |
78,794 |
Percent Positive | 3.62 |
4.46 |
4.39 |
*Not all labs report results to the Maine CDC electronically. Labs reporting manually report only the positive results and are therefore excluded for purposes of calculating the percent positivity rate.
Molecular testing includes PCR, isothermal, and NAAT methods.
Updated June 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM
View a Table of Maine COVID-19 Current Hospital Use and Capacity Data
Hospitalized: Confirmed Cases | |
Total Hospitalized | 30 |
In Critical Care | 10 |
On a Ventilator | 6 |
Capacity | |
Available Critical Care Beds | 160 |
Total Critical Care Beds | 401 |
Available Ventilators | 257 |
Total Ventilators | 318 |
Alternative Ventilators | 441 |
Updated June 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM
View a Table of Cumulative COVID‑19 Cases by County
Cumulative COVID‑19 Case Counts by County | ||||
County | Cases |
Recovered |
Hospitalizations |
Deaths |
Androscoggin | 428 |
313 |
34 |
4 |
Aroostook | 10 |
9 |
4 |
1 |
Cumberland | 1,450 |
1,131 |
156 |
57 |
Franklin | 37 |
34 |
2 |
1 |
Hancock | 13 |
10 |
1 |
1 |
Kennebec | 137 |
114 |
25 |
9 |
Knox | 23 |
20 |
2 |
1 |
Lincoln | 21 |
18 |
2 |
Oxford | 34 |
28 |
1 |
Penobscot | 101 |
97 |
18 |
2 |
Piscataquis | 1 |
1 |
Sagadahoc | 30 |
28 |
5 |
Somerset | 25 |
21 |
Waldo | 55 |
40 |
5 |
14 |
Washington | 1 |
1 |
York | 450 |
368 |
66 |
11 |
Unknown | 3 |
Updated June 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM
View a Table of Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by Age
Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by Age | ||||||
Age Range | Count |
Percentage |
<20 | 186 |
6.6% |
20s | 429 |
15.2% |
30s | 427 |
15.1% |
40s | 442 |
15.7% |
50s | 477 |
16.9% |
60s | 345 |
12.2% |
70s | 253 |
9.0% |
80+ | 260 |
9.2% |
*Totals may not add up to 100% due to rounding.
Updated June 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM
View a Table of Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by Race and Ethnicity
COVID-19 Cases by Race | |
American Indian or Alaskan Native | 7 |
Asian or Pacific Islander | 40 |
Black or African American | 652 |
White | 1,690 |
Two or More | 12 |
Other | 59 |
Not Disclosed | 359 |
COVID-19 Cases by Ethnicity | |
Hispanic | 78 |
Not Hispanic | 2,173 |
Not Disclosed | 568 |
Updated June 16, 2020 12:00 PM
View a Table of Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by Sex
Sex | Count |
Percentage |
Female | 1,443 |
51.2% |
Male | 1,376 |
48.8% |
Unknown | 0 |
Updated June 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM
Read Details About the Data
When are Data Updated? Data are updated daily between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM with COVID-19 results included as of 11:59 PM the previous day.
Who is Included in the Data? Data are about individuals who claim residency in Maine regardless of what state they were tested in, or where they are currently living. For example, an individual who claims residency in Maine but lives in Florida will appear in this data even if they were living in Florida at the time of illness. County listings are by residence of patient, not location of the hospital or testing location.
What are Confirmed Cases? This represents the number of persons tested with a SARS CoV-2 PCR test result from any approved lab.
What are Probable Cases? There are two instances in which someone can meet the probable case definition:
- A close contact identified through an epidemiological investigation of a confirmed case becomes symptomatic OR
- An individual has a positive SARS-CoV-2 serology test AND
- Is a close contact of a confirmed case (as identified through an epidemiological investigation) OR
- Is symptomatic with:
- A cough and/or shortness of breath or difficulty breathing OR
- At least two of the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Chills
- Repeated shaking with chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
What are Recovered Cases? Recovered means a person has met the released from isolation requirements defined by Federal CDC. The requirements are: at least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery, defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and, at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
What are Other Cases? Other Cases is the number of cases left over after removing recovered and deaths from the cumulative total.
What is an Indeterminate Test? Indeterminate means that the test did not provide a clear negative or positive result.
What is Included in Deaths?A COVID-19 associated death is defined as a death resulting from an illness that is clinically compatible with COVID-19 that is confirmed by an appropriate laboratory test. There should be no period of complete recovery between the illness and death. It is not necessary that COVID-19 be the primary cause of death.
What Categories are Mutually Exclusive? The only categories that are mutually exclusive are Deaths and Recovered. Deaths are counted both in Cumulative Confirmed/Probable Cases and Deaths. Hospitalizations are counted in the Cumulative Confirmed/Probable and may also be counted in Deaths or Recovered depending on the outcome of the individual.
What are Some Limitations? Confirmed data represent only those individuals with positive test results, which likely under-represents the true number of cases in Maine. For individuals not considered to be at high risk, medical providers were advised to diagnose COVID-19 based on symptoms prior to May 18, 2020. Those diagnoses are not reported. All data are preliminary and may change as Maine CDC investigates confirmed cases.
News Releases
- Maine DHHS awards CARES Act funding to support essential workers and child care providers in response to COVID-19
- Nearly $1 million in federal funds will help Maine people cope with psychological impacts of COVID-19
- Maine DHHS Regional Offices Resume Regular Business Hours
- Mills Administration Announces Vast Expansion of COVID-19 Testing
- Maine DHHS Launches "Keep It Maine" Campaign to Promote Public Health Measures That Limit the Spread of COVID-19
- Maine CDC confirms COVID-19 outbreak at Cape Memory Care
- Mills Administration Launches Campaign to Remind Maine People to Explore Their Health Coverage Options in the Face of COVID-19
- Maine Records First Death of Individual Who Tested Positive for COVID-19
Office of Governor Janet T. Mills
- Governor Mills Honors Life of Molly Neptune Parker
- Mills Administration Releases Guidance for Town Meetings and Elections
- Mills Administration Announces That Indoor Dining in Androscoggin, Cumberland & York Counties Can Resume on June 17 With Added Health and Safety Precautions
- Maine DHHS awards CARES Act funding to support essential workers and child care providers in response to COVID-19
- Mills Administration Accelerates Start Date for Lodging Establishments to Serve Out-of-State Visitors
Read more press releases from the Governor's office.
Travel Advisories | |
Updated: May 29, 2020 at 10:00 AM | |
Level 3: Avoid all nonessential travel. Most foreign nationals who have been in one of these countries during the previous 14 days will not be allowed to enter the United States. | Brazil, China, Iran, Most European Countries, United Kingdom and Ireland |
Level 3: Avoid all nonessential travel. | Global |
U.S. CDC: Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information for Travel U.S. CDC: Travelers Prohibited from Entry to the United States U.S. State Department: Travel Advisories |
What do I do if I'm traveling or returning to Maine from out of state?
It is mandated that all out-of-state travelers coming into Maine, as well as Maine residents returning to Maine, complete a 14-day quarantine upon arrival. This means:
- You need to arrive with enough food for 14 days or arrange to have food delivered to you. You cannot go out to grocery stores.
- Stay at home. You cannot go out to public places.
- Avoid contact with others, especially those who are at high risk of severe COVID-19 illness.
The State will allow adults who obtain and receive a negative COVID-19 test ideally within the past 72 hours to forgo the 14-day quarantine upon arrival in Maine. Maine is strongly urging visitors to “Know Before You Go,” meaning they should get tested and receive their test results in their home state before traveling to Maine, which will allow them to take appropriate action depending on the result. Individuals may be tested upon arrival in Maine as well, but they must quarantine while awaiting the results.
Additionally, the State will exempt residents of New Hampshire and Vermont from the testing and 14-day quarantine requirement altogether because, when adjusted for population, the prevalence of active cases of COVID-19 in these states is similar to that in Maine. This exemption is effective immediately for travel and effective June 12 for stays in lodging establishments.
People who are not residents of Maine, New Hampshire or Vermont and are visiting Maine will be asked to sign a Certificate of Compliance indicating either that they have received a negative COVID-19 test result, that they will quarantine in Maine for 14 days, or that they have already completed their quarantine in Maine. This compliance form must be provided to check-in at all Maine lodging, campgrounds, seasonal rentals, overnight camps, and other commercial lodging, such as Airbnb. Visitors may be asked to furnish proof of the negative test result upon request. It will become effective July 1 (Stage 3) when lodging establishments may begin serving residents outside of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.
Current Testing Guidelines for Maine State Lab
The acquisition of the IDEXX PCR Test Kit enables Maine's Health and Environmental Testing Laboratory (HETL) to process up to 1,000 tests each day. Training on the new equipment and quality assurance have been completed. Therefore, HETL can now conduct an increased number of tests.
Effective Monday May 18, 2020, the testing priorities and tiers outlined in the March 19, 2020, HAN “Updated Guidance for COVID-19: Prioritization of Testing and Discontinuation of Home Isolation” are rescinded and the following new guidelines are established:
HETL will now test specimens from any person who has one or more symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19. Testing must be ordered by a clinician.
- Maine health care providers should use their clinical judgment to determine if a patient has signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and whether the patient should be tested.
HETL will now also test persons without symptoms who may be at risk for spreading COVID-19 to others. As examples, these may include but are not limited to:
- Asymptomatic close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases in an outbreak setting. For reference, Maine CDC generally defines an “outbreak” as three or more epidemiologically linked cases of a specific disease, and generally defines “close contacts” as individuals who have spent 30 minutes or more within 6 ft of an individual with confirmed COVID-19.
- Asymptomatic health care workers, including first responders, who have had contact with or exposure to a confirmed COVID-19 case; or
- Asymptomatic persons tested as part of a sentinel COVID-19 disease surveillance program established by Maine CDC.
In order to maintain laboratory capacity for the activities noted above, HETL will not test specimens collected by congregate facilities that choose to conduct universal testing of their staff and residents when that recommendation has not been approved by Maine CDC.
Maine CDC recommends following the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) Guidelines on the Diagnosis of COVID-19. Read the IDSA Guidelines.
Accessing Testing At HETL. If facility has not previously submitted specimens to HETL, please set up an account with HETL PRIOR to submitting any samples to HETL for COVID testing. To set up an account, please fax the following information to HETL at 207-287-1727:
- Facility name
- Contact name
- Facility address
- Phone number, and
- Confidential fax number.
HETL will contact your facility with confirmation of receipt of the information.
Once an account is established, specimens can be forwarded to HETL.
Testing forms and information on acceptable swabs and transport media are found on HETL's website. Download the information and forms.
Frequently Asked Questions
Read the Full List of Frequently Asked Questions (PDF).
What is COVID‑19?
COVID‑19 is a novel (new) coronavirus which was first detected in December 2019 in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and has now been detected in other countries, including the United States.
For some, the respiratory virus causes mild symptoms like the common cold or influenza (flu), for others it can cause severe pneumonia that requires medical care or hospitalization.
The virus is named "SARS-CoV-2" and the disease it causes is named "coronavirus disease 2019" (abbreviated "COVID‑19").
What are the Symptoms?
People with these symptoms or combinations of symptoms may have COVID-19:
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fever
- Chills
- Repeated shaking with chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.
Most patients experience mild symptoms and can recuperate at home, but others, particularly those with underlying medical conditions, may experience more severe respiratory illness. Learn more about COVID-19 symptoms.
How does it spread?
The virus appears to spread in similar ways to influenza (flu) and the common cold. This may include spreading through:
- The air by coughing and sneezing
- Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
- Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes
The virus can spread from person-to-person and in some locations there is apparent community spread, meaning some people are infected and are not sure how or where they became infected. Find out more about how COVID-19 spreads.
How can I help to prevent the spread?
There are simple steps you can take to reduce the possible spread of COVID‑19 and other illnesses such as influenza and the common cold:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- Stay home while you're sick and avoid close contact with others
Currently there is no vaccine available to prevent the spread of COVID‑19.
What should I do if I have symptoms?
Call ahead to a health care professional if you develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or difficulty breathing. Tell your health care professional about any recent contact with other COVID‑19 cases. Your healthcare professional will work with Maine CDC to determine if you need to be tested for COVID‑19.
Additional Coronavirus Resources
Interim Guidance for Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare providers no longer need to call Maine CDC about when they test a patient for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19). Clinicians should use their judgment to determine if a patient has signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and whether the patient should be tested.
No vaccine for COVID-19 is currently available; however, vaccine trials are in progress.
For more information, visit U.S. CDC's webpage on evaluating and reporting a PUI and U.S. CDC's webpage on infection control.
Additional Coronavirus Resources for Providers
More Information from U.S. CDC
- For travelers
- For schools
- For higher ed institutions including foreign exchange programs
- For pregnant women and children
- For older adults
- For businesses
- For law enforcement
- For communities
- For public health communicators
- For faith-based organizations
- For homeless shelters
Guidance for Healthcare Providers
Maine Specific Resources
- Learn How Mainers Can Help During the COVID‑19 Pandemic
- Find Information on Accessing COVID‑19 Testing and Care for People Who Are Uninsured (PDF)
- Read Maine Department of Education Coronavirus Updates
- Download the Maine CDC COVID‑19 Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Read the Full List of Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Recommendations for Virus Control in Eating Establishments (PDF)
Learn About Maine CDC COVID-19 Response Positions.
If you are a Maine health care professional and have questions about COVID‑19, call: 1-800-821-5821
If you are a Maine school professional and have questions about COVID‑19, call (207) 624-6694 or email DOE School and Student Supports.